Individual Powerpoints KS2

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They are from our KS2 Maths Topics Pack.  This gives you the opportunity to purchase our resources to use as and when you like, rather than purchasing the full pack.

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3D Shapes and Nets for KS2

3D Shapes and Nets for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain 3D Shapes and Nets.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Adding Decimals for KS2

Adding Decimals for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Adding Decimals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Adding without a Calculator for KS2

Adding without a Calculator for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Adding without a Calculator.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Angles 1: Measuring and Drawing Angles for KS2

Angles 1: Measuring and Drawing Angles for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Measuring and Drawing Angles.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Angles 2: Calculating Angles for KS2

Angles 2: Calculating Angles for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Measuring and Drawing Angles.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Angles 3: Angles in Regular Polygons for KS2

Angles 3: Angles in Regular Polygons for KS2

£1.80 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Angles in Regular Polygons.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Area for KS2

Area for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Area.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Bar Charts for KS2

Bar Charts for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Bar Charts.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Best Value for Money for KS2

Best Value for Money for KS2

£1.50 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Best Value for Money.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Circles for KS2

Circles for KS2

£1.80 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Circles.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Compass Directions for KS2

Compass Directions for KS2

£1.25 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Compass Directions.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Congruence for KS2

Congruence for KS2

£1.00 £0.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Congruence.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Conversion Graphs for KS2

Conversion Graphs for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Conversion Graphs.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Counting in Powers of 10 for KS2

Counting in Powers of 10 for KS2

£2.50 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Counting in Powers of 10.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Distance Tables for KS2

Distance Tables for KS2

£1.50 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Distance Tables.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 for KS2

Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 for KS2

£2.25 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Dividing by 10, 100, 1000.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Dividing Decimals for KS2

Dividing Decimals for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Dividing Decimals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Division by a Single Digit Number for KS2

Division by a Single Digit Number for KS2

£2.25 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Division by a Single Digit Number.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Division by a Two Digit Number for KS2

Division by a Two Digit Number for KS2

£2.25 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Division by a Two Digit Number.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Division using Chunking for KS2

Division using Chunking for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Division using Chunking.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Equations with Two Unknowns for KS2

Equations with Two Unknowns for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Equations with Two Unknowns.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Estimating Volume for KS2

Estimating Volume for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Estimating Volume.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Even and Odd Numbers for KS2

Even and Odd Numbers for KS2

£1.25 £0.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Even and Odd Numbers.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Factors for KS2

Factors for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Factors.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Formulae and Equations for KS2

Formulae and Equations for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Formulae and Equations.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 1 for KS2

Fractions 1 for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 1 (Introduction).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 2 for KS2

Fractions 2 for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 2 (Fraction to Decimal).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 3 for KS2

Fractions 3 for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 3 (Fraction of an Amount).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 4 for KS2

Fractions 4 for KS2

£3.00 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 4 (Ordering Fractions).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 5 for KS2

Fractions 5 for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 5 (Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 6 for KS2

Fractions 6 for KS2

£3.00 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 6 (Adding and Subtracting Fractions).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 7 for KS2

Fractions 7 for KS2

£2.25 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 7 (Multiplying Proper Fractions).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Fractions 8 for KS2

Fractions 8 for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Fractions 8 (Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Function Machines for KS2

Function Machines for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Function machines.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Hundreds, Tens and Units for KS2

Hundreds, Tens and Units for KS2

£1.80 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Hundreds, Tens and Units.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Line Graphs for KS2

Line Graphs for KS2

£1.90 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Line Graphs.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Long Multiplication - Grid Method for KS2

Long Multiplication - Grid Method for KS2

£2.50 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Long Multiplication (Grid Method)

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Long Multiplication - Traditional Method for KS2

Long Multiplication - Traditional Method for KS2

£2.50 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Long Multiplication (Traditional Method)

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Map Co-ordinates for KS2

Map Co-ordinates for KS2

£1.25 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Map Co-ordinates.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Misleading Graphs for KS2

Misleading Graphs for KS2

£1.00 £0.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Misleading Graphs.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Mode, Median, Mean and Range for KS2

Mode, Median, Mean and Range for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Mode, Median, Mean and Range.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Multiples for KS2

Multiples for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Multiples.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Multiplication by a Single Digit for KS2

Multiplication by a Single Digit for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Multiplication by a Single Digit.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Multiplication Tables for KS2

Multiplication Tables for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Multiplication Tables.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 etc for KS2

Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 etc for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Multiplying Decimals for KS2

Multiplying Decimals for KS2

£3.00 £2.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Multiplying Decimals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Negative Numbers for KS2

Negative Numbers for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Negatve Numbers.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Number Line for KS2

Number Line for KS2

£1.25 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Number Line.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Number Sequences 1: Linear Sequences for KS2

Number Sequences 1: Linear Sequences for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Number Sequences 1: Linear Sequences.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Number Sequences 2: Other Sequences for KS2

Number Sequences 2: Other Sequences for KS2

£1.75 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Number Sequences 2: Other Sequences.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Order of Operations for KS2

Order of Operations for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Order of Operations.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Ordering Decimals for KS2

Ordering Decimals for KS2

£1.25 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Ordering Decimals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Ordering Whole Numbers for KS2

Ordering Whole Numbers for KS2

£1.25 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Ordering Whole Numbers.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Parallel and Perpendicular for KS2

Parallel and Perpendicular for KS2

£1.00 £0.01

A powerpoint presentation to explain Parallel and Perpendicular.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Percentages 1 (Introduction and Conversions) for KS2

Percentages 1 (Introduction and Conversions) for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Percentages (Introduction and Conversions).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Percentages 2 (Percentage of an Amount) for KS2

Percentages 2 (Percentage of an Amount) for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Percentages (Percentage of an Amount).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Perimeter for KS2

Perimeter for KS2

£1.25 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Perimeter.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Perimeter v Area for KS2

Perimeter v Area for KS2

£1.00 £0.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Perimeter v Area.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Pictograms for KS2

Pictograms for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Pictograms.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Pie Charts for KS2

Pie Charts for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Pie Charts.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Plotting Co-ordinates for KS2

Plotting Co-ordinates for KS2

£1.80 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Plotting Co-ordinates.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Prime Factors for KS2

Prime Factors for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Prime Factors.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Prime Numbers for KS2

Prime Numbers for KS2

£1.00 £0.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Prime Numbers.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Probability for KS2

Probability for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Probability.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Ratio and Proportion for KS2

Ratio and Proportion for KS2

£3.50 £2.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Ratio and Proportion.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Reading a Train Timetable for KS2

Reading a Train Timetable for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain how to read a train timetable.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Reading Scales for KS2

Reading Scales for KS2

£2.50 £2.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Reading Scales.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Reflections for KS2

Reflections for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Reflections.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Roman Numerals for KS2

Roman Numerals for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Roman Numerals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Rotations for KS2

Rotations for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Rotations.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Rounding Decimals for KS2

Rounding Decimals for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Rounding Decimals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Rounding Numbers for KS2

Rounding Numbers for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Rounding Numbers.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Shapes for KS2

Shapes for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Shapes.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Similar Shapes for KS2

Similar Shapes for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Similar Shapes.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Square and Cube Numbers for KS2

Square and Cube Numbers for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Square and Cube Numbers.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Subtracting Decimals for KS2

Subtracting Decimals for KS2

£1.75 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Subtracting Decimals.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Subtracting without a Calculator for KS2

Subtracting without a Calculator for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain subtracting wtihout a calculator.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Symmetry: Line Symmetry for KS2

Symmetry:  Line Symmetry for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Line Symmetry.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Symmetry: Rotational Symmetry for KS2

Symmetry: Rotational Symmetry for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Rotational Symmetry.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Tally Charts for KS2

Tally Charts for KS2

£2.00 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Tally Charts.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Time for KS2

Time for KS2

£2.80 £2.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Time.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Translations for KS2

Translations for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Translations.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Types of Data for KS2

Types of Data for KS2

£1.00 £0.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Types of Data.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Units: Length (Metric & Imperial) for KS2

Units: Length (Metric & Imperial) for KS2

£3.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Units: Length (Metric & Imperial).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Units: Mass (Metric & Imperial) for KS2

Units: Mass (Metric & Imperial) for KS2

£2.00 £1.50

A powerpoint presentation to explain Units: Mass (Metric & Imperial).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Units: Volume (Metric & Imperial) for KS2

Units: Volume (Metric & Imperial) for KS2

£1.50 £1.00

A powerpoint presentation to explain Units: Volume (Metric & Imperial).

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Volume of Cubes and Cuboids for KS2

Volume of Cubes and Cuboids for KS2

£2.25 £1.75

A powerpoint presentation to explain Volume of Cubes and Cuboids.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

Writing Numbers in Words for KS2

Writing Numbers in Words for KS2

£2.00 £1.25

A powerpoint presentation to explain Writing Numbers in Words.

From the KS2 Maths Topics Series.

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